Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have officially made it through 12 hours total (4 exams) in that terrible gym along with 720 other nervous students and countless hours of studying. What a great feeling! It's just too bad it's pouring buckets outside now that I don't have to be locked up studying! Anyways, I thought I'd give you a taste of what freedom means to me. This evening looks like:
-grocery shopping
-run? (nahhhhh)
-watching the latest episodes of Hart of Dixie and 90210
-possibly a skype with Jared!?

Once all these things (which have been put off for possibly just too long) have been done it'll be time for an awesome stress free, fun only girls weekend with Kinsey's friend Riley who Katie and I feel like we already know so well and absolutely cannot wait to meet!

After that I start my month long stats course so freedom only lasts so long :( Thankfully that's only 2.5 hours a day, four days a week so I have lots of plans for how to spend the rest of my time! May will look like lots of DIYs and cooking, shifts at the Y, tutoring and more!

Now for all you HSM fans, WHAT TIME IS IT? ...SUMMER TIME!

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