Monday, April 16, 2012

Wanted: Pool Boy

We've hit a bout of hot weather in Montreal. Yesterday the temperature was in the mid-20s, with a nice breeze. Today the thermometer hit 28. While as I type this I'm in a dungeon-classroom, the Weather Network sadly informs the sunshine has been downgraded to rain. (Frankly, I'm pleased with rain-- who wants to waste away sunny days with their nose in a book? No one. So bring on the rain.)

But I digress. While poor Emily was at work, Kinsey and I climbed to the roof. A survey of the landscape revealed some empty beer bottles (clearly we were not the first to hang out "upstairs") and some camping chairs. We brought water and schoolwork. = Complete study party on the roof.

And my personal favorite, Kinsey working hard (on her tan):

What I have chosen to omit from this post is a photo of the nasty, nasty sunburn my hour-and-a-bit in the sun caused me. I know, I know--totally my fault. I knew I was more suited to a lifestyle of hibernation. But I blame the roof's albedo (shout-out to Zahra).

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