Last August my mom gifted me with an old coffee grinder, informing me it was on its last legs and so "I could just have it." Well. Every time I ground my morning beans I was certain it would be my last grind. The machine would sputter and fritz and occasionally refuse to work altogether. With a gentle shake and a massage of the button, however, I could always magically reinvigorate it. I faithfully enjoyed this sputter-shake-massage routine until one fateful morning last week when my coffee grinder let me know it had had enough. No matter what I tried I could not get it to restart. And I tried for nothing short of fifteen minutes. I had a midterm that afternoon and was des.per.ate. to get some caffeine in my veins after a late-night cram session. So I marched over to Canadian Tire and assessed my options. I settled on this spiffy Black and Decker model.
Get phenomenal flavor and aroma from your coffee with a precision burr mill grinding system. With burr mill grinding, you get more uniform results while preserving the delicate natural oils of the beans – for a better cup of coffee. A grind selection dial lets you automatically adjust the texture of the grind – from a very fine grind for espresso to a coarse grind for Turkish coffee and percolator brewing.
My new Burr Mill Grinding System features...
- Grind Selection Dial
- Slip-Resistant Rubber Feet
- Removable Grinding Container
- Push-Button Control
- Removable Grinding Assembly
- Cord Storage
- Cleaning Brush
- 2-Year Limited Warranty
- Lid Locking Security Feature
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